Justin Perkinson
C o m p o s e r

Born and raised in Richmond , Virginia , Justin Perkinson discovered his passion for writing music at a very early age. With the piano as his primary instrument, he has explored various styles over the years, but his favorite by far is the unique “traditional musical meets rock-and-roll” sound of Frankenstein: The Rock Opera . An avid theatre-goer and devoted actor, Justin is immensely excited about the prospects for this, his first, musical.

Ty Morse
C o m p o s e r

Ty Morse was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin where he grew up listening to the musicals of Andrew Lloyd Webber, and rock operas like Pink Floyd's The Wall and Tommy by The Who.  Over the past few years Ty has spent a great deal of time writing and recording his music, including another rock opera, Beowulf: The Rock Opera Part II. This winter he will be recording a solo album, to be produced by Jon Greenlee at The Planets Studio in Minneapolis .  Ty will also be recording a new album with Grey Wicker for their band Ty and Grey. 

Jon Greenlee
P r o d u c e r  &  A d d i t i o n a l  C o m p o s i t i o n

Jon Greenlee lives in Minneapolis Minnesota . Minneapolis is home to Jon's recording studio The Planets, where Frankenstein: The Rock Opera was recorded. This is Jon's second rock opera following Beowulf: The Rock Opera Part I. Jon continues to produce rock bands and plays guitar in the band Space Camp www.spacecamper.com .